Saturday 18 June 2011

and finally the exhibition

We worked hard putting the exhibition together


Thinking about the decor

Contemplating the layout


Girls with tools…..not so dangerous


The sun was shining and the chapel looked beautiful…

Preparing the food


The guest book and artists statements



The beautiful sound of the flute filled the air

and catalogue promotion

Between the Lines – Group photo

The guests start arriving

and thats all there is to it.................

Sunday 17 April 2011

Winner of the Raffle

Thank you for visiting us at the Walcot Chapel Exhibition.
The lucky winner of our raffle for a pair of theatre tickets is number 


If you have this ticket please e-mail us on
 and make sure you keep your raffle ticket until we meet to present you with the tickets.
Please contact us by Saturday 23rd April so we have time to get them to you before the day of the performance.
Thank you.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Well, after all these months, the time is finally here. We will open our doors at 6pm this evening, and all you lovely people can come see our work =)

Look forward to seeing you, and keep an eye out for our next blog post, containing all the fun we had putting work up yesterday!

Thursday 7 April 2011