Sunday 27 February 2011

Emma Weskin

For me, art is a way of freely expressing myself in a society and world full of constraints and boundaries. Art allows me to be who I want to be without feeling like I have to conform.

I love art that creates a different meaning to each individual viewer and am intrigued by how the artist has control over this thought process but at the same time doesn’t.  They are aware of how the context and positioning of their work will provoke ideas for the viewer but will not imply a specific meaning.

I specialise in print making, my current work is based on the method of silk screen printing. My inspiration comes from combining my two passions in life, art and drama. My aim is to take plays and scripts that have inspired me, and take them out of their original context of being read or performed, and make them into a piece which is still viewed by an audience but not in the same way. Giving the viewer a sense of the piece but generating their own meaning, I want my pieces to create questions not answers.

Donna Vale

I am lost in chance happenings, items that are misplaced, things that I find.  I like intrigue and wonder and the relationship I have with my own identity.
I am a mixed media artist and tend not to focus on one particular method of working; what is rubbish to one person hugely important to me.

I am currently working on a collection of found items…..I have stored and categorized these items for future use, using film and sound to record my daily finds.
Finding words on paper, notes left on windscreens or a quirky picture someone has drawn is very exciting to me.  I research and catalogue and daydream the hours away.

When I’m not collecting I enjoy printmaking, photography, walking by the sea and bird watching.  I am often found tending rabbits, squirrels and foxes and sometimes make cakes but not at the same time.

In the olden days I worked as a glass engraver, cleaner, sign writer and a library assistant, I also did a brief stint as a radiographer before realizing I didn’t care for bones.  The past has made me what I am, the future, well that depends on what I find…………….

Identity Blue

Library Flies

Becca Smalley

Stephanie Robinson

I enjoy a challenge when I work, and often find that challenge by creating a project which is meticulous from start to finish. I am not tied to any particular area of art, and enjoy sculpture and textiles as well as ceramics. I am interested in detail, texture and colour, and try to use materials that are unusual but inexpensive and can be found in the everyday household. People often comment on my patience when carrying out a project, as
particularly in sculpture my tasks are very repetitive.
This is a quote by Leontyne Price which closely reflects my views on creating art:

"Art is the only thing you cannot punch a button for. You must do it the Old-fashioned way. Stay up really late and burn the midnight oil. There are no compromises."

Marija Minkeviciute

Lucy Francis

I spend a lot of my time just sitting, watching and waiting.  I’m waiting for my cast to get into position, with raw emotion and intriguing scenes, then, I’m ready to take the picture.  My cast are the public, the scenes are public spaces and I endeavour to capture moments that are too often ignored. 

My aim in photography is to document what society is doing now.  The things we take for granted, the things we do without thinking, the things we may hide now, or maybe we’re ashamed of, I want to celebrate these things.  Through capturing moments so many of us can relate to or moments that invite us into a different culture, I aim to create work accessible to all.

Florentyna Butler

I explore human nature in my work; identity, relationships and the darker sides of life. I tend to create a narrative in my head with each piece, but it only gets loosely relayed into the work, because I like the audience to create their own stories and ideas about what is happening. Perhaps this means that my original meaning is completely lost sometimes, but I find it really interesting that perceptions can be so different from one person to the next.
I also work in design, where everything is almost the complete opposite of my art. I like to be inventive and creative but things still need to be easy to follow, neat and clean. I am currently undertaking a project where I hope to push the boundaries of how information is presented and explore different formats and ideas about what a publication actually is.

Kate Banahan

I like to think of my work like an extension to the network that is my mind. Frequent themes of travel, location and life experiences rise to the surface and flow across the page. I love the thought of the mind storing memories like a map, each place that you’ve visited alive with sights and senses stored away until revisited. I work mostly using paper, pen and found materials, and within the realms of print and collage. I like to layer up details and process information into a revealing art form. Living and studying in Bath I enjoy exploring new places of the city increasing my knowledge of the area with each step.
Another side to me is my textiles work which is more back to nature, focusing on blossoming florals, dusty colour pallets and collected fabrics. These also work as multiple layers, looking at background and foreground, with embroidered print and stitch work creating a more textured three dimensional approach.
I like to live life, love life and release this into my work.

Sunday 20 February 2011


We are putting on an exhibition at Walcot Chapel, Bath, in April.
We are a group of ten artists studying creative arts at Bath Spa.
We =
Donna Vale -
Emma Weskin -
Florentyna Butler -
Kate Banahan -
Lucy Francis -
Marija Minkeviciute -
Marika Herdman -
Rebecca Smalley -
Ruth Ogunro -
Stephanie Robinson -

Here we can post up photos and information in the lead up to the big event, keeping you all updated!