Sunday 27 February 2011

Donna Vale

I am lost in chance happenings, items that are misplaced, things that I find.  I like intrigue and wonder and the relationship I have with my own identity.
I am a mixed media artist and tend not to focus on one particular method of working; what is rubbish to one person hugely important to me.

I am currently working on a collection of found items…..I have stored and categorized these items for future use, using film and sound to record my daily finds.
Finding words on paper, notes left on windscreens or a quirky picture someone has drawn is very exciting to me.  I research and catalogue and daydream the hours away.

When I’m not collecting I enjoy printmaking, photography, walking by the sea and bird watching.  I am often found tending rabbits, squirrels and foxes and sometimes make cakes but not at the same time.

In the olden days I worked as a glass engraver, cleaner, sign writer and a library assistant, I also did a brief stint as a radiographer before realizing I didn’t care for bones.  The past has made me what I am, the future, well that depends on what I find…………….

Identity Blue

Library Flies

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