Sunday 27 February 2011

Kate Banahan

I like to think of my work like an extension to the network that is my mind. Frequent themes of travel, location and life experiences rise to the surface and flow across the page. I love the thought of the mind storing memories like a map, each place that you’ve visited alive with sights and senses stored away until revisited. I work mostly using paper, pen and found materials, and within the realms of print and collage. I like to layer up details and process information into a revealing art form. Living and studying in Bath I enjoy exploring new places of the city increasing my knowledge of the area with each step.
Another side to me is my textiles work which is more back to nature, focusing on blossoming florals, dusty colour pallets and collected fabrics. These also work as multiple layers, looking at background and foreground, with embroidered print and stitch work creating a more textured three dimensional approach.
I like to live life, love life and release this into my work.

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